пятница, 6 марта 2009 г.


In 3 weeks we have a "Painting Talk" class where each of you will show his presentation devoted to the painter he likes most of all.

Post the names of the artists you choose in the "Commentaries" here for us to see who is going to be on our list.

You can use the links given below.

7 комментариев:

Olya комментирует...

Pablo Picasso

Violet комментирует...

Salvador Dali

Ira комментирует...

Leonardo da Vinci

Lyuda комментирует...

Rob Gonsalves

Ira комментирует...


Ira комментирует...

the other members of group № 301 : E.Munch, Van Dyck, Vincent Van Gogh ;)

Elena Nikolaenko комментирует...

The Event is Wedn 22 2009